Argonne Accelerator Institute Retreat on Accelerating the Future at Argonne

Type Of Event
Sponsoring Division
APS Upgrade
Argonne National Laboratory
Building Number
Room Number
09-15-2016 - 09-16-2016

What: The Argonne Accelerator Institute is hosting a retreat to explore future directions for particle accelerators at Argonne beyond the present ongoing projects and programs.  The goal is to begin to chart a path toward the future by

  • Identifying opportunities within the broad, long-term accelerator landscape, consistent with Argonne’s mission, for which ANL is uniquely suited to lead
  • Identifying R&D needs and investments required to position ANL for leadership

The retreat is structured as an open, all-encompassing exploration of future accelerator opportunities in photon sources, nuclear physics, isotope production, high-energy physics and applications of accelerators.

When: September 15-16, 2016

Where:  Bldg. 401, Rm. A1100, Argonne National Laboratory

RSVP to Diane Wilkinson [email protected] by Monday Sept. 12, 2016

(When prompted, user name is ANL\your login name; password is your ANL password)