Structural Science (XSD-SRS)

Recent Research Highlights

As the lithium-ion industry continues to grow, so does the use of cobalt or nickel, straining scarce metal resources. To sustain this continued growth, development of new cathodes with high energy…
11-ID-B, 20-BM-B
Pivotal Battery Discovery Could Impact Transportation and the Grid: Researchers using the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source have discovered a key reason for the performance…
11-ID-C, 20-BM-B
A New Cathode Coating to Significantly Improve High-Temperature Performance of Li-Ion Batteries: The exponential growth in the use of li-ion batteries is challenging researchers for designs that are…
17-BM-B, 34-ID-C
A New Focus Emerges for Barocaloric Cooling Research: Barocaloric cooling is one of several new technologies promising improved efficiency and reduced emissions. Experiments at the U.S. Department…
Just as fishing experts know that casting a line in the right spot hooks the big catch, scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's (DOE-SC's) Ames Laboratory used an algorithm…
Fine-Grained Differences in Polycrystalline Nickel-Rich Li-Ion Battery Cathodes: A team of investigators used the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source to study a largely overlooked…
11-ID-C, 20-BM-B
Transforming Clean Energy Technology: A breakthrough by researchers using the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source and Advanced Light Source could eliminate a critical obstacle from…
17-BM-B, 20-BM-B
New composite materials based on selenium (Se) sulfides that act as the positive electrode in a rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery could boost the range of electric vehicles by up to five…
It's All Geometry: Studying How Li-Ion Batteries Shape Up: A team of researchers used the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source to probe battery materials at the nanoscale and…
6-BM-A,B, 17-BM-B
Portland cement concrete is all around us, in the sidewalks we walk on, the buildings we live and work in, and the roads our vehicles ride on. One of the most versatile and useful building materials…


The APS Upgrade Project will require a storage ring installation period, during which the APS will pause operations for one year.

User experiments are scheduled to end on April 17, 2023, with the installation period scheduled to begin one week later, on April 24, 2023.

Consistent with these dates, the last APS operations run is scheduled to start on Jan. 31, 2023, and end on April 17, 2023. The upgraded APS will return to operations after the 12-month installation and commissioning period, though the initial operations will be at reduced current and availability as the machine is tuned up. Regular updates will be provided on the APS-U website.


The X-ray Science Division Structural Science group (XSD-SRS) at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) enables world-class research using high-energy x-rays by developing cutting edge instrumentation and techniques, and pursuing research in the physical, chemical, environmental, and materials sciences. We are currently seeking an Assistant Beamline Scientist to support the high-energy x-ray beamlines operated by the SRS group. The beamlines are dedicated to in situ and operando diffraction and total scattering experiments for pair distribution function (PDF) analysis in combination with multimodal approaches, such as small angle scattering, Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence, Compton scattering, or Residual Gas Analysis.

The successful candidate will work with a highly motivated and diverse team to support user experiments and develop new techniques, sample environments, and/or novel data acquisition strategies for the beamlines at 11-ID.

Please find more information on #415368 here. For inquiries, please email Uta Ruett at [email protected].


High-energy X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a bulk structure characterization technique widely used in materials research taking advantage of the high penetration power into materials, large accessible q-range, and small correction factors. In situ measurements study materials under various conditions. Operando studies are essential for insights into structural changes in functional materials during operation with the goal of improving their performance. XRD can resolve phase identities and other features, like particle size, micro-strain, structural defects, etc. The beamlines operated by the Structural Science (SRS) group offer a wide range of in situ and operando powder XRD and total scattering measurement capabilities with sub-second temporal resolution. The beamlines operate in x-ray transmission geometry with monochromatic beams and area detectors. In addition, 11-BM utilizes an array of analyzer crystals and scintillators to achieve the highest resolution. Most recent developments include an in-line Raman system at 17-BM and 11-ID-B that allows simultaneous measurement of XRD/PDF and Raman spectroscopy data under controlled temperature and gas environments. 11-ID-B enables studies of surfaces and interfaces with an optional 1D vertical focusing on the order of a few micrometers.  11-ID-B utilizes a hexapod positioning stage to allow highly accurate control of sample orientation, enabling surface and interface scattering. 11-ID-C employs a heavy-load hexapod providing similar capabilities for heavy equipment up to 250 kg. The high-resolution 11-BM beamline now has the option to switch to an area detector for rapid checks on the sample status. The group has a strong emphasis on battery research, maintaining an electrochemistry facility which is accessible 24/7 for all APS users for cell preparation. This eChem Lab offers standard lab equipment plus two Argon atmosphere glove boxes with one dedicated for Sulphur containing materials.

11-BM, 11-ID-B and 17-BM all offer Mail In services.

After the upgrade in 2024, 11-ID-D will become the flagship for structural science offering the combination of high-energy x-ray total scattering including small angle scattering with strong beam focusing capabilities in the x-ray regime between 26 keV to 120 keV.

11-BM 11-BM is dedicated to high-resolution powder diffraction measurements. The instrument operates over the energy range from 25-35 keV, and combines a sagittally focused monochromator with multiple Si crystal analyzers to achieve exceptional resolution and sensitivity. The beamline offers a unique mail-in service for rapid access, and supports on-site user experiments for non-routine powder diffraction measurements. Technical Specifications

11-ID-B is dedicated to Pair-Distribution-Function (PDF) measurements with area detectors. The instrument operates at high X-ray energies (58.6 keV, 86.7 keV) and is optimized for High throughput measurements and non-ambient / in-situ measurements. Typical configurations may involve a sample changer, cryostream, compact furnace/flow cell, and single-crystal diffuse scattering (under development).

Now accepting Mail In proposals. More information can be found on the mail-in wiki.

Technical Specifications
11-ID-C 11-ID-C is used for scattering studies at extreme conditions. The high energy X-ray beam (105.7 keV) is highly penetrating and allows a wide coverage of reciprocal space over a small angular scattering range. This is particularly advantageous for experiments that require bulky sample environments (e.g. loadframes, 3D printed bulk materials, industrial batteries). Technical Specifications
11-ID-D 11-ID-D will offer a wide range of experimental approaches with highest available flux. Two dimensional focusing will be available and adaptable energy resolution. A q-range from 0.01 A-1 to 40 A-1 will be covered. The photon energy will cover the energy range from 26 to 120 keV. A secondary detector for spectroscopic imaging will expand the multimodal approaches. Technical Specifications

17-BM-B is dedicated to rapid acquisition powder diffraction experiments using an area detector, where moderate resolution data can be obtained in fractions of seconds. The versatile set-up can accommodate a wide range of sample environments and is well suited to parametric/in situ/in operando measurements. Standard configurations include a sample changer, cryostream, compact furnace/flow cell, compact pressure cells (<10 GPa, under development). 

Now accepting Mail In proposals. More information can be found on the mail-in wiki.

Technical Specifications
eChem Lab
e-Chem The eChem lab is equipped with a state-of-the-art Ar-atmosphere glovebox with fridge/freezer unit, and small and large antechambers. The glovebox is supplied with Li and Na metals, standard electrolytes, coin cell crimping tools and accessories needed to assemble battery cells.  The lab is also equipped with three mobile 8-channel MACCOR® battery cyclers capable of running independent experiments, a single-channel CH Instruments® potentiostat, a vacuum oven, balances, bench space and standard laboratory consumables. Details