APS-U/APS Advanced Controls Workshop

APS Advanced Controls Workshop Banner

September 17 2019
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Argonne National Laboratory
Building 402
Room Lower Level Gallery

Chair: John Quintana

The APS Upgrade Project and the APS X-ray Sciences Division are hosting a workshop targeted at the control system for featured x-ray beamlines for the APS Upgrade.

The scientific program of several of the beamlines will require challenging coordination efforts between trajectory position scanning, position measurement and data collection. The APS Beamline Controls Group has developed a strategy to address these needs based on the group's previous experience. This workshop will seek to inform and improve the Group's strategy and approach. If you would like to attend the workshop, please fill out the information below. For questions, contact John Quintana ([email protected]) or Joe Sullivan ([email protected])


APS-U/APS Advanced Controls Workshop Photo


Workshop Agenda

BCDA Advanced Controls Strategy








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APS Advanced Controls Workshop