Argonne Out Loud: Jim Kerby on "Building the Next-Generation Hard X-ray Synchrotron Light Source"

​Jim Kerby, Advanced Photon Source (APS) Upgrade Chief Project Officer, will discuss the APS Upgrade Project in an Argonne Out Loud talk on October 24, 2019, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, in the APS Conference Center.

For over two decades, Argonne’s APS has produced high-brightness, high-energy x-rays to illuminate the molecular structure and function of materials that comprise nearly every aspect of our lives. The APS Upgrade, once completed, will increase the brightness of the x-rays provided by orders of magnitude, opening new frontiers of scientific discovery. How will the APS Upgrade deliver x-rays that are more than 500 times brighter than those produced by today's APS? And why is this project so important? APS Upgrade Chief Project Officer Jim Kerby will discuss the significance of the APS Upgrade to science and society.

During the reception, a limited number of attendees will have a chance to get a bird’s eye view of the inside of the APS during a guided tour to the APS observation deck. Tours tickets will be handed out on a first first-come, first-served basis inside the APS Conference Center.

Tour Schedule (all times p.m.)


Complimentary light refreshments will be available. For a heartier meal, food may be purchased at the 401 Grille, next to the lower-level APS Gallery.

Required registration information can be found here.

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