APS/Users Operations Monthly Meeting - June 29, 2011

The APS/User Monthly Meeting is a means to improve communication within the APS. The subjects covered by the meeting include:
  • Updates on APS issues of importance to resident users
  • Updates on resident user issues of importance to APS management
  • Operational and technical updates on the x-ray source and beamlines
  • Short highlights of user research
  • Opportunities to ask questions and for dialog
The meeting is organized by the chairs of the User Organization, Research Directorate, and the APS Director, all of whom would be happy to receive suggestions for specific agenda items.
Meeting: June 29, 2011, at 2:30 p.m. in the 402 Auditorium


2:30 p.m. Refreshments
2:45 p.m. APS Update – Brian Stephenson
3:05 p.m. Developing a Roadmap for the APS Upgrade– Derrick Mancini
3:25 p.m. Update on the New Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility – Andrzej Joachimiak
3:45 p.m. Adjourn