PSC Radiation Safety Committee (PRSC)

  1. Advises PSC management on radiation safety matters
  2. Evaluates the design of radiation shielding systems that are used for personnel protection. 
  3. Review functional and design changes to Access Control Interlock System (ACIS) and Personnel Protection System (PSS)
  4. Provide recommendations to PSC Management regarding any changes to operating and safety envelopes
  5. Provides the APS and the APS User Community with technical advice on radiation safety and shielding issues

As requested by PSC management, or PDRC:

  1. Evaluate the radiation safety of newly designed and modification to existing critical components and validate that they are within the existing safety envelope
  2. Submit written reports of shielding evaluations with recommendations to the PSC DALD Operations or PDRC in a timely manner
  3. Provide recommendations to PSC Management regarding any changes to operating and safety envelopes
  4. Participate in investigations relating to shielding matters when potential exposure incidents occur
  5. Review functional changes to ACIS and PSS. Provide written recommendations to management
  6. Advise PSC management on radiation safety matters as requested

As requested by the user community, PSC scientists or engineers, provide technical advice on radiation safety and shielding issues


Members are appointed by the APS Division Directors. Members and the charter are approved by the PSC Associate Laboratory Director, acting as APS Director. The current members of the PRSC are:

Role Name
XSD - Chair C. Kurtz
ASD L. Emery
ASD R. Flood
ASD J. Dooling
XSD D. Haeffner
PSC M. Ramanathan
PSC W. VanWingeren
PSC J. Quintana
PSC B. Micklich
XSD J. Strempfer
XSD E. Rod
WSH-HP Beth Heyeck
WSH-RP Sunil Chitra
Meeting Frequency

As required