Attendees: Nena Moonier, Dean Wyncott, Wendy VanWingeren, and Patti Pedergnana
Nena Moonier
- Bruno is working Clay’s 2-10 p.m. shifts yesterday and today.
- The high school students that were going to be in the BSL-2 laboratory are now going to only be in the 431B laboratory.
- Rossman will be bringing a BSL-2 virus to Sector 18. It is approved by the IBC. This experiment starts on Friday, 3/18. The biosafety cabinet needs to be moved down to the beamline.
- Bruce has a DOE audit with floor walk through today.
- Tech Tuesday is today, Dean will go to 438.
- The ANL State of the Union will be on Monday, 3/21.
Wendy VanWingeren
- Klepeis and Scheckel are running radioactive samples this week.
- There are a number of outgoing radioactive sample shipments.
- There is an All Hands CAT and PSC division meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Patti Pedergnana
- Scheck provided a high estimate for installation of two roof labyrinths at 2-BM. A. Stevens and J. Cross are going to look into this.
- 16-BM-D was searched and secured with the shutter closed and C. Park could not open the D door. Patti cycled the doors and shutters and could not recreate the problem.
- Patti will attend tomorrow’s Shutdown Planning Meeting at 0900.