Attendees: Bruce Glagola, Nena Moonier, Clay White, Shane Flood, Wendy VanWingeren, and Patti Pedergnana
Bruce Glagola
- Auditors will be watching 6-ID-C, 7-ID, 12-ID-D, 21-ID, and 35-ID experiments tomorrow morning. Clay said that there are two Routine Radiation Surveys tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. if they care to observe those.
- The DOE triennial review is August 15-17. The practice for this review is the University of Chicago review.
- There was an autoinfo email that came out last week on diversity and inclusion workshops. Anyone can attend.
- The upgrade project has a new ESH coordinator, Jeff McGhee.
- Deanna Kinzler is retiring.
- Patti will attend the shutdown planning meeting on Wednesday.
Patti Pedergnana
- Rick Janik and John Sidarous are looking to install a helium recovery bladder in the 431/432 truck lock.
- Patti will add instructions to find the 431Z lock box and the detector pool key.
Shane Flood
- Mark Erdmann and his technicians are done installing the lead bricks in 4-ID-A.
- 4-ID-C swapped their end station today.
- Josh Abraham is leaving he lab. Mike Dwyer is going to take over his position in the interim.
Clay White
- Clay had issues with shipping. Kelly Hansen suggested a full-time shipping person for the APS. Bruce has suggested this a number of times but a shipping FTE is not in the APS budget.