Attendees: Bruno Fieramosca, Wendy VanWingeren, George Srajer, Dean Wyncott, Lisa Berkland, and Patti Pedergnana
George Srajer
- George is speaking with the CATS about getting a DEEI on staff. Paolo Rigg is very receptive to this suggestion. Paul Rossi will get DCS-CAT the information needed for DEEI certification.
Wendy VanWingeren
- Paul Rossi approved all of the ESAFs for experiments starting tomorrow.
- Wendy and Dean will be on site for dayshift on Friday to assist Bruno on the day after Thanksgiving. It is expected that 50+ experiments will start that day.
Dean Wyncott
- There are two Routine Radiation Surveys tomorrow, one at 8 BM and the other at 16-ID.
Bruno Fieramosca
- George Doktorcyk ordered dimmer switches for the new LED lighting in the 431, 432, and 433 areas. He is going to test a dimmer in one office, and if operation is successful with this type of dimmer, he will offer the dimmers to all area residents.