Attendees: George Srajer, Bruno Fieramosca, Wendy VanWingeren, Nena Moonier, Paul Rossi, Mike Fries, and Patti Pedergnana
George Srajer
- The Office of Enforcement revised their schedule. There will be no MR-CAT investigation.
- There will be a DOE investigation of the Uranium fires at both ANL buildings. We are now asking users for an extra declaration on their radioactive samples, that the samples have non-pyrophoric tendencies.
- Final occupancy was done on the XTIP enclosure. Bruno rescheduled the load test on the chain fall at 4-ID.
Nena Moonier
- Nena reminded the group to fill out Dayforce through the end of the year.
- The ANL Guest House will be closed through early February.
- Patti is to send the group the shipping transfer instructions from the Guest House.
- There will be punch and cookies for APS employees on 12/20, please RSVP to the invitation.
- BSL-2 laboratories will be walked-through on Friday.
- Patti is to ask Lisa if she sent an email to John Vacca regarding empty cylinder storage in the truck lock; these should be moved to the gas yard empty cylinders cage for pick-up.
- Patti is to compile the log for every Saturday and Sunday of the 2017-3 Run after noon time and submit to Nena.
- Nena will meet with George and Paul soon to discuss man power needs for our group.
Wendy VanWingeren
- There are radioactive samples starting at 1-ID-E on Wednesday and at 10-ID on Friday.