Nature Uses Springs and Latches to Overcome the Limitations of Muscles (To be published in "APS Science 2021, Volume 1")
How Tiny Compartments Could Have Preceded Cells (University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering news story)
A New One-Step Process for Creating Self-Assembled Metamaterials (University of Minnesota research brief)
Discoveries from First SARS Outbreak Jump-Start COVID-19 Treatment Development (To be published in "APS Science 2020, Volume 1")
Uncovering New Insights about the Brains of Individuals with Schizophrenia (To be published in "APS Science 2021, Volume 1")
New Promising Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 (University of Bonn press release)
A Safer, Less Expensive, and Fast-Charging Aqueous Battery (University of Houston & Oregon State University press releases)
Bringing Phages and Yeast Together for Peptide Discovery (To be published in "APS Science 2020, Volume 1")
Putting the Starch in Tissue-Like Materials (To be published in "APS Science 2020, Volume 1")
New Pathways to Advance Adsorbent Technologies for Alkene Purification (To be published in "APS Science 2020, Volume 1")