Feature Beamlines

Several new feature beamlines will be built as part of the APS Upgrade project. Each one offers a different set of capabilities for the world scientific community.  Scroll down for descriptions of each feature beamline.

APS-U Beamline Map


POLAR: Polarization Modulation Spectroscopy (4-ID)

Makes use of coherent, high-flux beams with tunable polarization coupled with the ability to put samples under simultaneous extreme conditions, such as pressure, magnetism and low temperatures. Will enable new insights into superconductivity and quantum states of matter

XPCS: X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (8-ID)

Applies coherent X-ray scattering to explore the dynamics of materials from correlated atomic interactions to movement of large molecular systems. Ideal for studying emergent materials, such as metallic glasses, complex oxides and energy materials.

CSSI: Coherent Surface Scattering Imaging (9-ID)

Takes advantage of the upgraded APS’s unprecedented coherence to visualize medium-sized structures in 3D, and over time. This will enable studies of photovoltaic thin films, new materials and micro- and nano-electronics.

ISN: In Situ Nanoprobe (19-ID)

Combines a narrow hard X-ray beam with a large distance between the beam and the sample, enabling temperature and pressure control as well as environmental changes. Will facilitate analysis of reactions inside batteries with the goal of extending their lives. Housed in the Long Beamline Building.

HEXM: High-Energy X-ray Microscope (20-ID)

Will use the higher-energy X-rays to image the fine structures of materials with high resolution and under a host of controllable conditions. Studies here will reveal minute defects in materials as they form, helping to improve the durability of components ranging from aircraft engines to solar cells. Housed in the Long Beamline Building.

CHEX: Coherent High-Energy X-ray (28-ID)

Designed to study the synthesis of materials in real time, using the increased coherence at high energies of the upgraded APS. New insights gained here will help improve materials critical for energy and information technologies, such as LEDs and quantum computing systems.

PtychoProbe (33-ID)

Features a fast-scanning beam that can focus down to the nanoscale, this beamline will explore the chemistry and structure of complex material systems, ranging from defects in nanoelectronics to green construction materials and beyond.


Offers extremely high-resolution coherent imaging of structures at the atomic scale. Unique tool for understanding the structural, chemical and physical properties of materials with unprecedented precision.

The APS Upgrade Project will construct key infrastructure to enable the future completion of this beamline.

3DMN: 3-D Micro and Nano Diffraction (34-ID)

Will make use of an intense, small X-ray beam to map the microstructure and individual strains and defects in crystalline materials. This data will improve understanding of the strength and performance of metals, ceramics and many other essential materials.

The APS Upgrade Project will construct key infrastructure to enable the future completion of this beamline.

In addition, multiple existing beamlines are planned to undergo significant enhancements, increasing the options and capabilities for world-leading research at the APS. Information on enhancements is coming soon.