Discovery, synthesis and development of emerging materials and the role of APS-U

September 27-28, 2018

Registration for 2018 APS-U Science Workshops

Discovery and development of advanced materials are vital to modern society. Novel materials such as graphene and its derivatives, iron-based pnictide and chalcogenide superconductors, or materials put together in novel ways such as lithium ion batteries and functional materials that have unique electrical, magnetic or optical properties like multiferroics, optoelectronics and sensors.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts in their field with experts in x-ray science to identify scientific frontiers, and relate them x-ray techniques and shape the future developments. This can be done by articulating the nature of the material development requirements, and commensurate improvements or design of new hardware, software, and computational tools.

APS-U project is going to provide orders of magnitude improvement in x-ray beam brightness, coherence, and new undulators for polarization manipulation at hard x-ray energies. We expect that workshop participants will discuss ways to help define the path forward and provide information and guidance to APS staff for future beamline developments connected to APS-U upgrade project.


  • Joshua Goldberger, Ohio State University
    • Discovery and Design of Layered and Two-dimensional Materials
  • Susan Latturner, Florida State University
    • Insights into the nature of flux reactions using in-situ diffraction studies
  • Uwe Kortshagen, University of Minnesota
    • Hyperdoped silicon nanocrystals via synchrotron X-ray scattering
  • Eric Toberer, Colorado School of Mines
    • How advances in growth and computation are changing the practice of science and the potential for APS to play a strong role?
  • John Mitchell, Argonne National Laboratory, Materials Science Division (not confirmed)
    • The future of material synthesis  at ANL
  • Brian Stephenson, Argonne National Laboratory, Materials Science Division
    • In situ synchrotron X-ray studies of materials synthesis: issues and opportunities
  • Steve Heald, Argonne National Laboratory
    • In situ synchrotron X-ray studies of materials synthesis: issues and opportunities
  • Tyrel McQueen, John Hopkins University
    • Developing a Unified Chemical Understanding of Reactivity for Materials Discovery ?
  • Aditya Mohite, Rice University
    • Hybrid perovskites: An ideal materials platform with emergent functional properties
  • Hemamala Karunadasa, Stanford University
    • Tuning halide double perovskites to absorb sunlight
  • Hugh Simons, Technical University of Denmark
    • X-Ray Microscopy in Material Syntheses
  • Seung-Ho Yu, Cornell University
    • Mechanistic Studies and Operando X-ray Imaging of Energy Storage Materials