1)     Who can submit a white paper to the APS-U Project beamline call?

A:  Anyone can submit a white paper.  We are looking for all good ideas regardless of the source.  Having said that, we expect that the best proposals will come from groups that include both beamline staff (be it XSD or CAT) and outside users.

2)     What is the expected scope of the beamlines part of the APS-U Project?

A:  The proposed scope presented at the DOE CD-1 review included six “new” beamlines and two major beamline upgrades.  For the purposes of the plan, a “new beamline” was defined a completely new beamline built on one of the two existing open ID ports, or a replacement of an existing beamline.  The allocation between new beamlines and major upgrades will be reevaluated as part of this beamline planning process.

3)     How do I know if my white paper constitutes a “major upgrade” to a beamline?

A:  Major upgrades are those that require significant changes to the beamline such as relocation of stations, entirely new optical systems, etc.  These types of changes would typically cost two million dollars or more.  To clarify what category is appropriate for a particular proposal, please contact Dean Haeffner ([email protected]).

4)     What do I do if my idea does not require a “major upgrade”?

A:  If you have an idea not requiring a major upgrade to an existing beamline, but that does require some improvements/enhancements to bring a beamline to world-class level, it may be appropriate for the “Beamline Enhancement” program.  This is a parallel process to the Beamline Selection process and will begin soon with a self evaluation with a self-evaluation of all operating beamlines at the APS.

5)     Who do I talk to if I have a technical question about APS-U source properties, insertion devices or other aspects of APS-U?

A:  Inquiries on technical issues should be sent to Dean Haeffner ([email protected]).  He will coordinate requests for information to the appropriate people.

6)     Are new insertion devices for all beamlines included in the APS-U Project, and what is the process for ID selection?

A:  Yes, the change in storage-ring energy necessitates that all IDs have different magnetic periods for optimal performance.  ID choices will be made as part of the Beamline Enhancement program and will involve considerable dialogue between beamlines and the APS-U Project insure that the most appropriate devices are chosen.