APS ES&H Committees

Purpose / Scope

APS personnel and individuals working at the APS are expected to assure that their work is free of recognized hazards. Where hazards have been identified appropriate controls are to be put into place. To meet this management expectation everyone at the APS is expected take the initiative to arrange for assistance in evaluating work should they feel the need for technical assistance. Resources available within the APS and at the Laboratory range from approaching standing APS safety committees, formulating an Ad Hoc committee, approaching individuals recognized to be knowledgeable in a specialized technical area or to approach the ANL ES&H Division. Technical specialists, ESH personnel and individuals with detailed technical knowledge related to safety have been identified by the APS Division Directors to provide this support for APS staff and scientific personnel.

ESH Committees and Technical Support

The APS Division Directors have established the following standing committees and identified the following technical specialists available within the APS to provide ESH support and guidance within the APS.

Standing APS Committees

User Support Committees

Technical Review Panels

Technical Specialists

The ES&H committees include individuals from all APS organization levels and include division ES&H coordinators. Every effort has been made to assure that committee membership is arranged to include a broad spectrum of APS employees and turnover is staggered to maintain continuity. As several divisions share space in the 400 Area they have agreed to constitute common committees with the most qualified individuals from the collective resources of the APS Divisions. Each ES&H committee has a charter that addresses the structure of the committee, its scope, and procedures to be followed by the committee such as attendance requirements and terms of membership.

In addition each Division may constitute standing Committees that are specific to their individual needs.